Thursday, April 17, 2014

An Update on Me

Hello All,

This break for the blog has been much longer than I originally intended but I truly have no regrets. During my time away I've been really involved in the music program - playing concerts, recitals and attending lectures (By the way, if you haven't heard of it before now, you should definitely check out Butler Artsfest 2014. It started about a week ago and runs up until next weekend!)

Anyway, here are a few details to catch you up on my life lately:

1. My recital (a little over a month ago) went spectacularly! And though there was poor weather many people came out to support me and hear some beautiful music.

2. I started new rep!

Shostakovich Cello Concerto

Beethoven Cello and Piano Sonata No. 5

3. I get married in about one month!

4. My Computer has died 3 separate times. 
Thanks to J for allowing me to use his computer to finish my end of year assignments

5. We have a new apartment (!!!) and it's much closer to the downtown area! Even if it's just tiny Indy it's nice to be close enough to bike and walk to things.

6. I've been gifted a cello for the next few months until I find one of my own. It was decided that my current instrument is simply not playable. 

More to come in the future!