At the start of the new year I made a series of goals (as I always do). The usual ones were there: exercise more, eat better, be a better person (wow. . .) but this year I wanted to guarantee that I spend more time reading than watching TV. Let's just say, last year was an all-time reading low for me between graduate school auditions and senior classes. I think I read maybe a total of ten books (excluding books for school).
To keep me on track and provide me with new and interesting reads, I have been participating in Emma Watson's feminist book club Our Shared Shelf through Goodreads. Each month Emma chooses a book and the entire community reads it and then uses the Goodreads site to comment and discuss the book.
So far we have read:
January - My Life on the Road, Gloria Steinem
February - The Color Purple - Alice Walker
March - all about love - bell hooks
April - How to be a Woman - Caitlin Moran
I just received my book for May in the mail today and it is: The Argonauts - Maggie Nelson
The thing that I especially love about participating in Our Shared Shelf is that it provides me with interesting and diverse reads that I might not otherwise pick up. I grew up reading the tried and true classics (Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy, etcetera) because of this I have picky book taste. I'm always afraid that if I pick up one of the "hot-off-the-press" books I'll be disappointed because the writing style or content isn't to my taste, and then I've wasted a whole week or something on a book I don't like!!! *cue panic attack*
However, (and I'm being honest) I have yet to read a book in this book club that I didn't enjoy. The diversity of the genres and writing style keeps reading each book fresh and exciting. Most of the months I finish the book in the first week after receiving it and can't wait to receive the next one.
If you're looking for a way to boost your reading this year and familiarize yourself with Feminist literature, this is a great crash course. Please, please join me on the online community at Goodreads!
Believe it or not, this post is not sponsored by Goodreads *or* Our Shared Shelf. I just happen to love both of those things dearly.